Monday, April 29, 2013

Tray 4

Tray 4 wasn’t (isn’t) nearly as aggressive as tray 3 was. This one has very little aching associated with it at all. It had consistent tight pressure the first week, but no soreness to speak of. I am the 3rd day into week 2 and they feel quite loose and at times I have air whistling through them when I speak. It’s a tad irritating because it’s hard to speak when it does that and I have to stop to take a sip of water. The issue I had after getting my attachments placed (upper tooth hitting attachment on lower tooth making it difficult to chew properly) has corrected itself. By way of my teeth moving, or possibly getting filed down a little over time as I ate or maybe I just got used to it, but nevertheless I no longer think about it or have issues chewing. I have noticed a slight yellowing of on the upper aligner on the molars. Strange that it is only the uppers. I have a theory that it is the Scope mouthwash spray I use here or there (I was a big mint person prior to treatment and miss that minty flavor at times.) I do not eat or drink anything with the aligners in and I have been a diligent flosser/brusher since the beginning. BUT I have used the spray with my aligners in. I am going to test the theory when I switch to tray 5 and not use any of the mouthwash spray and see what happens.

I am still having issues being self-conscious smiling wide or when talking to someone new and I see them looking at my mouth. I would like to think that eventually I will get over it and move on. At home, with family and close friends, I do not have an issue. Just at work it seems. BUT some good news! I have met 2 people at work (at an off site location that I work at one day a week) that either currently have Invisalign or have already finished treatment. I have to say I was really ecstatic to meet someone in person!  The one who is still in process has been wearing them for a year already and just started a refinement of 37 trays! WOW! Teeth looked absolutely perfect to me but say they are working on the bite...that there were issues with the trays fitting properly the first round. Only one attachment off to the side and I couldn’t tell they were wearing braces (jealous!!)…I just happened to come along with they were putting them back in after lunch break.  I have one guy at my office around my age that just got ceramic braces last week…he wasn’t a candidate for invisalign due to the complexity of his case. He came to talk to me after he found out I have braces. So at least I have someone in the office I can talk to about braces, even if they are different kind of braces!

I have to admit this weekend my braces were off longer than normal during the afternoon and evenings. They were on an average of 18-19 hours both days and I never had any issues getting them back on, feeling overly tight or anything like that, so I gues it is ok. Sometimes I just want to graze or not feel super rushed to get them back in the minute I am done eating.

I am still trying to get my Clincheck from the Dentist. Apparently they don’t know how to get them into a format they can email. I’m pretty handy with a pc…maybe I can sit with the planner at my appointment on Friday and see if we can’t collectively figure it out.

I’ll leave off with comparison pictures. I’m not seeing a lot of change at this point, but I expected that.
 Tray 4

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