Monday, April 1, 2013

In the beginning....

I started my Invisalign treatment on my 41st birthday, March 8th! I had been waiting to get my trays in for weeks and they finally called and got me in and it just so happened to be my birthday. Happy happy birthday to me! :)

I have needed braces since I was a kid, but my parents couldn't afford to take us to get our teeth cleaned much less braces... and that's OK. It is what it is! I actually hit my front teeth on a barbell when I was about 9 (have an uncle 6 years my senior and he had a weight set on the carport) and chipped a third of my right front tooth off completely and damaged the tooth next to it. I lived with that broken tooth until I hit about 15 when a different uncle paid to have it bonded for me. I had a lot of trouble with those 2 teeth over the years. When I was about 24, I was finally able to have some dental work done. A LOT of dental work. So much so,  the thought of straightening them wasn't even on the radar at that point. I had a root canal and crown put on that front tooth as part of that dental work.

Fast forward 17 years, and after 3 kids (2 of which had braces. Somehow my son lucked out with straight teeth... both the girls got my teeth. Yikes) have moved out, I am ready to spend the money on myself!

I hadn't really been thinking about getting braces, I actually went to a cosmetic dentist to see about getting a veneer or maybe a crown on the tooth right next to the crowned broken tooth. This tooth has been slowly dying all of these years and over the last few years has begun to turn grey. It's very strange, but I wanted to have it fixed as it is getting quite noticeable.

The dentist asked if I had ever thought about getting braces and he spoke to me about Invisalign. They took a few pictures of my teeth and they have this cool program that can show you what your teeth "could" look like if they were straightened. Truth be told, I wasn't a hard sell. In the past I thought I was too old for braces and had gotten a "oh well" attitude over the years. I figured I have lived with them this long, what's it matter now? Braces are for young people, right?? Well, after showing me multiple videos on hygiene, bite, and the Invisalign process, I wanted it!

I guess I caught them on a good day...I got my teeth cleaned on the spot (was due at my regular dentist in 2 days anyway) they took a ton of x-rays, all kinds of pictures of my teeth, profile and straight forward pictures of my face (shape?) and took impressions of my teeth. These people were thorough, professional and very knowledgeable. I felt comfortable from the get go. Financing was easy... interest free if paid in 2 years, no money down. I will have them paid off by November this year. It wasn't cheap by any means - and certainly not what I had in mind when I first walked in the office, but it is manageable within my budget. There are other things that can be cut out while I am paying for my braces. and it is worth it to me, so budget trimming here I come (President and Congress - you should be doing this also!! ha!)

Then I went home and set out to research this product and find out everything I could before my trays came in. By the time I went back to get my trays, I felt pretty well versed in all things Invisalign. I've read so many reviews, blogs, articles, and watched a lot (!) videos my husband was getting sick of it. All I was doing in my free time was invisalign research (and am still obsessed with it really.)

On the first visit back, they only gave me my first tray. It's the "get used to it tray." I have 19 upper aligners and 28 lower aligners. I will get my attachments and the next 3 trays on my next visit March 22nd.

"Before" Photos:

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