Monday, August 11, 2014

Done with Invisalign - for now.

I went in on August 1st to have my attachments removed and start the process on the next phase of my smile make-over. I may do another refinement after all the other work is said and done... I am not sure yet.

We started on the front - my right central incisor crown is being replaced (to eliminate the dark area at the gum line) and lateral incisor next to it (the tooth that started the process to begin with) is getting a crown. 
 He also did a little contouring on the bottom arch (I want a little more) and my left central incisor - now my right central incisor looks longer - but he assured me they would be even when the crown came in. 
 I go back on the 22nd to have to new crowns seated and then we will set the next appt up to start on the bridges to replace the missing molars in the back. 

I may do a refinement after that - my left lateral incisor seems to be tilted out just a little (especially noticeable in the open mouth view,) although, when you look at the arch view it is in perfect alignment. I'll decide after everything else is done.

All in all, I am thrilled with the changes from beginning to now! I will add more photos in a few weeks.


  1. Everything I need to know about invisalign was pretty much in here. Excited for mine now

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I am getting Invisalign soon I just need to have my wisdom teeth remove first next month.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to share these beautiful before and after photos. Such an amazing job after your Invisalign treatment. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    Dentist Philadelphia
