Thursday, March 6, 2014

Refinement 1 Tray 5

Not too much to report with the last few trays. I am halfway through tray 5 and its been uneventful. No pain to speak of and I am not sure if there is much movement going on! I can't really tell a difference. The attachment I was worried about not staying - didn't. And it's partner attachment on the same tooth? Yea, it also decided to jump ship one day when I put my lower tray back in after a meal. Just kinda snapped right off. I am not doing anything out of the ordinary when putting my trays in or taking them out so I dunno. I have an appointment tomorrow for a cleaning and exam, so I will bring it up then. I wonder if that one tooth not moving properly could affect the other teeth on the bottom from also not moving properly? I just don't think that tooth is going to hold attachments well.

My right lateral incisor - the tooth that is going to be crowned isn't moving much at all... it needs to come down a bit I think but doesn't seem to be doing so. I have a crooked smile and have since I was a baby (it was cute but it sure seems to me that all the upper teeth on my right side are higher than the left and/or the bottom teeth on the right side are lower than the left. Looking back it has always been that way and I never noticed?! I guess I am feeling overly critical today! Maybe not the best day to update! LOL

1/3 of the way through my refinements, so hopefully things will shape up here in the next few months! I need to try and remember to ask to see the newest clincheck at my next ortho appt. 

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