Friday, October 18, 2013

Tray 16

The only thing of note with the remaining time in tray 16 is that last Monday, I took them out at work to eat lunch and dropped my upper tray in the sink. Right on the drain. Didn't go down the drain and our restroom is pretty clean, generally speaking. Being that there are only 2 ladies that use it and we are clean, I doubt the cleaning crew sanitizes the sink every time they clean. They SHOULD but I doubt they actually do. All that being said, I did not have any retainer bright at work. So I made the not so smart decision to use the anti-bacterial hand soap in a glass of water and let my aligners soak in it while I ate lunch. I HAD to clean them somehow, right? YEA, so then my aligners tasted like hand soap the rest of the week. It was disgusting. Unseen sink grime very disgusting.... soap in your mouth for a week... pretty darn disgusting. I now have retainer bright back at work! What a fiasco!

Speaking of retainer bright, I bought a years supply from I think I am good for the rest of my treatment! :)

I had my dental appointment this morning and got my last 3 aligners. Next appointment is on Nov 29th. They will remove my attachments (YES!) and do new impressions for the refinements. I should have at least 3-4 weeks attachment free. I am really looking forward to that. The company Christmas Dinner is  December 12th. I asked him about doing the crown prior to the refinements, but he prefers to wait until we are happy with results of the braces and then he will do the cosmetic treatment and that we we would wait until we are done with the cosmetic treatment and then do new impressions for the Invisalign Vivera retainers. I trust his judgement on that so I am good with his plan after talking to him.

That's about it for this update... I just switched to aligner 17 this far so good! :)

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