Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tray 7

There hasn’t been anything of note with this tray. Very mild and am in the loose stage of wear. I go to the dentist’s office on Friday to get my next 3 sets of trays. I have started noticing a very small change in the way my front teeth are starting to look. Below are comparison shots from pre-invisalign to now (top photos prior, bottom current):

I have also been whitening my teeth, albeit very slowly. I only do one treatment a week because it really makes my teeth sensitive for 2-3 days after I am done with the treatment. I do it for 1 hour. I am using Watts Power Pro 35% Teeth Whitening Gels - Plus NEW Enamel Booster Gel. They include a remineralizing gel you keep on overnight after a treatment. I actually bought an extra supply of the remineralizing gel. I still need to whiten a few more shades. You can see with my right front tooth (crown) that at one point in my life, my teeth were super white and I need more to catch back up!
Eventually, this blog will turn into Michelle’s Invisalign Smile Make-Over Journey. I have additional work to be done after I finish my invisalign treatment. I am missing 2 molars on both sides of my lower arch (removed in my 20’s due to lack of dental care when I was growing up and lack of funds being so young!) I still have both of my lower wisdom teeth (no longer have wisdom teeth on upper arch and I am not missing any upper teeth.) I plan on getting bridges put in place of the spaces. My dentist mentioned implants, but I have some bone loss being the teeth were removed so long ago, and the process and cost of implants with bone grafts are extremely long and expensive! Bridges worry me in the fact that I have to ruin 2 perfectly good teeth for each bridge! In any case, those teeth need to be replaced. I also have the right lateral incisor that will get a crown as soon as I am done with the invisalign. It’s the tooth that started this entire process to begin with!

I have a confession! I went and got a second opinion by one of the top invisalign providers in my area. They took pictures and the orthodontist reviewed them along with my clincheck. We spoke a little about my concerns in using a cosmetic dentist with little experience in orthodontics. He said being that I am simply straightening (we are not trying to correct any complicated issues – I did ask if moving my lower wisdom teeth forward any were possible, and he said not easily. They are stubborn teeth to move and he said it would be an incredible amount of trays) that he isn’t seeing any issues with the current treatment plan. Any final tweaks can be taken care of during refinements. His recommendation was to stay on my current course of action. Now, whether or not he was being completely honest with me or just placating me being that I have already paid 100% for my treatment with my current dentist and that they have never had a current Invisalign patient show up looking for a second opinion (mentioned with surprise.) The hassle of transferring my case and trying to figure out the payment options are most likely just not that attractive of a prospect. In any case, below are the pictures they took of my teeth at tray 7.

That's it for this update! See ya in about 2 weeks! :)

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